Sunday, November 6, 2011

Belgium Baby!

Again the wheels are turning, retracing our footsteps throughout Europe.
Once trodden by rusty buses and hopeful troupes.
Yesterday we awoke at dawn, packed the trailer and off our merry way, a relatively easy trek between a towering jungle of a city, on to the ferry and from there, to Belgium, our first pit top of the tour.

Tonight is the second of 13 shows with the very lush Elbow, a band whose musical journey any band would be more than content echoing I'm sure!

Brussels was cool, we mostly played songs off the new album, The Loudest Engine.

Elbow put on a spectacularly beautiful show. Liquid Gold they are.


  1. Wish I could see you in Cologne tomorrow night :( Hope you'll have a blast! x

  2. Saw you guys yesterday at Forest National, Very surprised!
    Very good but didn't have the time to buy your album after the show though :(
    Anyway, keep up the good work!

  3. Yay, I'm the second follower! I hope you tour England again soon, I'd love to see you again but missed you in September!

  4. saw you guys in forest national too! I fell in love. Great music.
