Monday, November 7, 2011

Street Art.

You gotta love Europe in all its expressive glory! 
Pioneers of artistic poetry. Theater, art, film,music and more recently I should think graffiti.

You always know you've hit Germany, for the sheer scale of street art that covers its walls. It's a different kind than what we're used to, somehow they've more artistic license here than anywhere. Provocative, poetic and sometimes very beautiful. Driving from Antwerp to Cologne today reminded me of this.

 3 Pigs...found on a wall in Brussels

Girl in Cologne

 And then of course there's just mind blowing crudeness that one could only find here....
You gotta love it!


1 comment:

  1. Love the Belgian pigs, dislike the Steel Panther poster! Hope you have a great time in Germany.
